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The additions to the World Club Championship Rules has approved

The additions to the World Club Championship Rules has approved
Клубный Чемпионат Мира | 2012-02-19 14:18 | автор: Кирилл Сторчак
In the beginning of February, 2012 the Executive Committee has approved the additions to the World Club Championship Rules for arrangement of WCC-2012 in Saint-Petersburg. After the WCC-2012 the Executive Committee will decide what additions will be inserted to the WCC Rules constantly.

In the beginning of February, 2012 the Executive Committee has approved the additions to the World Club Championship Rules for arrangement of WCC-2012 in Saint-Petersburg. After the WCC-2012 the Executive Committee will decide what additions will be inserted to the WCC Rules constantly.

Saint-Petersburg Tablehockey Federation was creating these additions for four months and then the Executive Committee corrected some of the rules.

This document serves for decision of the next important tasks:

1) To minimize the number of "dream-teams" in WCC - the items n. 3 and n. 4;

2) To limit the number of Russian clubs - the items n. 1 and n. 5 (We do not want have the Russian Club Championship);

3) To attract top-players - the item n. 4 (second part).

to the World Club Championship Rules
( http://www.ithf.info/stiga/ithf/docs/WCCRuRUS.htm )
for arrangement of WCC-2012 in Saint-Petersburg (13.05.2012)

1. No more than 32 clubs can take part in WCC-2012;

2. Application for participation in WCC-2012 is making from February 15, 2012, till April 11, 2012. The club which wishes to participate in WCC-2012 sends the application by E-mail to info@stigahockey.spb.ru. The following information should be included in the application:

2.1. The name of the club;

2.2. The year of creation;

2.3. The country of the club’s registration;

2.4. The membership of the club’s team (from 4 to 8 persons). Unique number in the world ranking, exact date of birth (DD.MM.YY) and E-mail should be included for each player of the team;

2.5. The name and surname and the phone number (preferably mobile phone number) of the captain of the club’s team.

3. The applications for participation in WCC-2012 are accepted up to February 29, 2012, from any club registered in ITHF Club Rating. The membership of the club’s team must consist only of players registered in the club’s membership in ITHF Club Rating;

4. Beginning since March 1, 2012, applications for participation in WCC-2012 are accepted only from clubs which were present in ITHF Club Rating as of February 29, 2012. The membership of the club’s team for WCC-2012 must consist only of players who are registered in the membership of this club in ITHF Club Rating as of February 29, 2012. In addition, since March 1 till May 4, 2012 the club can add to its membership no more than two players whose total rating should not exceed 7000 points in ITHF World Rating as of WCC-2012 start moment. Added players also must be registered in club’s membership in ITHF Club Rating.

5. On April 12, 2012 the WCC-2012 organizing committee publishes the list of clubs allowed to participate in WCC-2012 on official website of WCC-2012 - http://wcc2012.hockeystiga.com. The list of clubs is determined according to paragraph 2.3 of WCC Rules (http://www.ithf.info/stiga/ithf/docs/WCCRuRUS.html);

6. The team of the club with total rating of four (4) best participants lower than 11,000 points according to World Ranking of ITHF is allowed for WCC participation only if the club is one of the two WCC participants from one country. If the team of the club not fulfilled this rule as of the date of tournament’s start, it is not allowed to participate in WCC;

7. Players substitution is allowed during any WCC game.If the team player who was substituted during the match enters to the that match again, he/she must enter the same game place (table), he/she should play if there were no substitution.

Executive Committee of ITHF

Saint-Petersburg tablehockey federation

Organizing Committee of WCC-2012

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