этап Мирового Тура

V Saint-Petersburg Open

Saint-Petersburg Open 2014 - the progressive stage of the World Tour. Modern technologies, geographical convenience, bright atmosphere, strong participants do this tournament one of the most attractive stages of the World Tour in the world. Come to Saint-Petersburg and struggle for prizes of Saint-Petersburg Open 2014!

Results | Results Swiss-system

Venue | Timetable | Fee | Regulations | The prize fund NEW

The winners of SPO

Saint-Petersburg Team Cup


Venue | Timetable | Fee


Saint-Petersburg Open Saint-Petersburg Open Saint-Petersburg Open

About Saint-Petersburg

Saint-Petersburg is the outstanding European city on the north-west of Russia, beloved by all its citizens and all those, who have ever visited it. "North Venice", "The City on Neva River", "North Palmyra", " The Window to Europe", "The Northern capital" – it has a lot of names! The city which was built thanks to the intuition and genius of Peter I at the Neva river, which connects the Baltic Sea and Lake Ladoga became the real treasury of the world culture and opened the way to the European spirit and culture for all Russian empire. Here you will find the most beautiful architectural monuments, cathedrals, museums, theatres and of course a lot of wonderful people. Today, at the beginning of the XXI century, Saint-Petersburg is really the spiritual and cultural centre of all Russian Federation!
Федерация настольного хоккея Санкт-Петербурга

Table Hockey Federation of Saint Petersburg

Will help with the accommodation in good and inexpensive hotel in the centre of Saint-Petersburg;

Will arrange the invitation for the embassy of Russian Federation abroad;

Will organize the unforgettable excursion by water and bus over Saint-Petersburg – “The Northern Venice”;

The Federation website: http://stigahockey.spb.ru

E-mail: info@stigahockey.spb.ru
Saint-Petersburg Open Saint-Petersburg Open Saint-Petersburg Open
Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg Saint-Petersburg